
Running For Weight Loss, Why Running Is One Of The Best Ways To Lose Weight

As we know to lose weight, we have to reduce our calorie expenditure with healthy diet and also use cardio vascular exercise to burn of excess fat and help speed up the process of weight loss.

Today I would like to talk about running and the many benefits that you can get from this fantastic exercise. Running is a very high impact exercise that works all of the muscle of the body. Running is also a very versatile exercise that can be very challenging and intense depending on the type of training program of the individual.

The speed, environment, angle and time are all factors that will determine how effective the workout is for the individual. As a general rule, the faster a person runs, the more energy expenditure is needed, therefore the more calories that are burned, there the higher probability of losing weight and improving fitness levels.

One of the main reasons what running is a popular choice among weight loss programs, fitness enthusiasts and military personal is the fact that you only need basic gear. A good pair of running shorts and suitable running clothing and your good to go.
Now when it comes to the actual running, one must understand that the type of running training that you participate in is entirely down to the individual's current fitness level and body shape and health.

If an obese person wants to start running to lose weight then the concept of running 5 miles from scratch will most likely be far to challenging to start with.
The best practice for such case would be to start by simple running half to a full mile, or even a quarter mile to get into the swing of things.
Now in regards to intensity and variation, there are quite a lot of things one can do to change up the run. Running uphill is one very good option and is very challenging to even the most hard core runners.

Another great way to mix things up is to use HIIT which stands for High intensity interval training. This is done by simple switching from running fast to slow every few moments to keep the heart rate in the fat burning zone.

When you use High Intensity interval training in your running program this allows for the best type of training for weight loss because the heart rate is tested and challenged this will help improve fitness levels, increase cardio vascular efficiency and burn more calories, thus allowing an ideal scenario for weight loss.

Alternatively running with a weight vest on is also a fantastic way to make the running more challenging and more intense, this provides the best scenario for improved fitness levels, heath and weight loss.
To give yourself the best possible chance of improving your fitness levels and losing weight, the ideal case would be to go running for at least 30 minutes 3 / 4 days a week to boost a weight loss plan.

In regards to nutrition practices for running, complex carbs are the best way to go. Carbs provide the body with the energy needed for high intensity workouts.

Running should be complimented with other cardio vascular exercises to keep the body guessing, and also challenging and shocking the body to improve fitness levels and lose weight. In the ideal situation to lose weight, running would be complimented with swimming and skipping as these are some of the most other effective cardio exercises for improved fitness levels and weight loss.

A few things to consider when running, would to make sure that you have the correct type of running shoes on for the run, nothing worse than going for a run without suitable trainers on the protect your feet from blisters and other feet issues.

Some ideas to help compliment your running program would be to join a group of runner's, get a running buddy or simple put headphones and let the music entertain and motivate you while you run.

Overall running is one of the most effective exercises to improve fitness, and lose weight, regardless of age or fitness background.

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