
7 Fast Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work

You want fast weight loss tips that actually work, right guys and girls? If you're sick of reading the same old magazine articles stating how you could 'lose ten pounds fast' only to realise that it involves eating very little for as long as possible, and the second you start eating a 'normal' diet again, you'll pile all that weight you lost back on and more, it's time to stop relying on flash diets and fasting regimes that will probably do more harm than good.

It's time to look at fast weight loss tips that actually work.

1. Put away your weighing scales.

It's not about counting how many grains of rice you have for dinner, it's about knowing that having pasta PLUS garlic bread PLUS chocolate cake PLUS wine is probably not a great idea all the time. There's nothing wrong with letting yourself have the 'bad foods' from time to time, but eating a lot of food on a daily basis is not good for your health or your waist line.
You know that when you have two candy bars instead of one you shouldn't be doing it. Rather than telling yourself you can't have candy at all, just have one bar or piece instead of two. You still get the reward and you don't have the guilt associated with TWICE the calories!

2. Have a secret stash.

In your office desk, what food do you have to hand? A packet of crisps? A big tube of biscuits? Far too many chocolate bars?

Rather than having the 'bad' foods to hand, keep a healthier secret stash. Replace one thing at a time, perhaps every couple of days, changing the candy for a bag of nuts, or the crisps for a small bag of dried mixed fruit. You'll be amazed by how many calories you are cutting back on by switching those six (eight) chocolate biscuits for a handful of vanilla flavored sunflower seeds. And yes, they are delicious. Oh, and easy to make at home too. Alternatively, why not look at cereal bars instead? These are usually low in calories, high in fiber, fill you up for a long time, and give you the sweet delight you need to curb those cravings.

3. Try protein shakes.

You don't want to start replacing all the meals you have with liquid forms, but having a chocolate flavored protein shake instead of a fat-filled lunch from the local deli will cut back on your calories, and increase the amount of healthy energy you have for the rest of the day. Plus it gives you a relief from that chocolate fix you are desperately craving, and it'll keep your blood sugar levels regulated too so you will be less likely to binge eat later on in the afternoon.

4. Brush your teeth after dinner.

Once you're done eating, dishes washed, suitably stuffed, go and brush your teeth. Studies have shown that you are less likely to eat again before bed once you brush your teeth after dinner. It's almost as if you are tricking your brain!

5. Put THAT photo on the fridge.

You know which one we mean - the one photo that made you think of your fat self in a whole fatter way, and decide to finally put effort into that diet you'll start 'tomorrow.' Whenever you get up in the middle of the night, you'll see that photo and remember why you're having a couple of strawberries instead of the fistful of Malteasers that you really want to eat.

6. Cut down on the amount you drink.

We're not talking tea and coffee here, we're talking empty calories - those three glasses of wine you have on a Thursday evening with the girls, and that cocktail you had with dinner because everyone else was having one. You'll be amazed by how many calories you cut out of your diet when you cut down on drinking quite so much. It'll also cut down on that bloating you feel around your midriff.

7. Don't eat leftovers!

If you find yourself returning to that plate time and time again once you're actually finished with dinner, its time to take action. When you are done serving yourself and everyone else the evening meal, place the leftovers in a tupperware tub (or suitable container) and cool it straight away. You'll be less likely to eat more when you don't see it, plus when it's cooled down, it takes so much more effort to heat it back up and again and chances are, you'll decide you can't really be bothered.
There are plenty of fast weight loss tips that have been tried and tested. You don't need to resort to such drastic measures as not eating for a few days or surviving on a diet of cabbage soup. With smart tricks and a few minor changes to your lifestyle and diet, you'll see the pounds start to drop off. And that's results you just can't argue with!

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