
How To Adopt To A Weight Loss Plateau

Today I would like to talk specifically about a plateau in regards to weight loss, and what exactly is it is when people who are trying to lose weight, just cannot seem to shift those extra unwanted pounds.

The first thing to understand is exactly what a plateau is. A plateau is basically a situation when the result you are trying to achieve does not take place, even when you are doing all of the required actions for the result to occur. Plateaus happen because the body gets very aligned quickly to routines and patterns that we do on a day to day basis.

Another reason why you might experience a plateau is because you may have cheated on your diet slightly or you may not have put in the hours at the gym that you promised yourself. All of the small things that you have done can make a big difference on the overall scale of things.

We all have a specific routine or pattern that we follow which we do on auto pilot without really giving it much thought process. It can be very hard to simply stop doing what you would normally do and change the way you do things. Its basic human nature, change is difficult. This is basically what happens when we hit a plateau.

In relation to weight loss, a plateau occurs because the body has got used to a specific routine or pattern that it is doing on a regular basis, so new progress is minimal or non-existent. This is one of the most frustrating experiences people go through on a weight loss program. No matter how clean and health you may eat, and how intense the workouts you are doing are, the progress you make is minimal or little to none.

OK so now we know what a plateau is, how to we break through this cycle?
There are several proven strategies that can be used to combat this situation.

Visualisation is technique that many coaches and trainers encourage their clients to use to get past this area when it arises.

When you learn how to visualise the goals that you have set yourself you find that your mind set becomes much more sharp and focused and creates a tunnel vision for you to follow.

Another common pitfall that will often cause a plateau is yo-yo dieting. This is a very common practice that many people fall trap to for the summer months when they want to shed extra weight before going to the beach.

One of the main reasons that people will face a plateau is because they have stocked there fridge with mostly unhealthy food over healthy food choices. This becomes a problem in the long run for people trying to lose weight, because they will crave unhealthy food and snack on high caloric foods late at night which is counterproductive to weight loss.

Another reason why we sometimes face a weight loss plateau is because we are not recording what we eat, and drink and the time of day that we eat and drink on a daily basis.

Many people are not consciously aware that they are consuming higher calorie expenditure than they need to lose weight, and also eating meals at a time of day that is counterproductive to the results that they want to achieve.

A few simple techniques to combat this problem is to try and understand what causes you to binge eat and learn how to control your emotions to reduce and prevent this happening more often than not. We all have emotional triggers that cause to eat certain foods and to beat this problem we need to recognise this.

When you can identify the emotional triggers that cause you to eat unhealthy food, a good strategy is to replace the unhealthy food with healthier food choices, this will help reduce binge eating and snacking. Alternatively you can work on different ways to handle your emotions instead of eating, you could drink something in replacement, but I would not advise alcohol here as this could cause the start of many new problems.

Another useful strategy here is to listen to relaxing music or channel your energy into physical activity instead of eating when you're experiencing emotional stress.

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