
How to Get Your Weight Loss Back on Track Fast

Getting back on track quickly and efficiently is super important.
Important because you DO NOT want a missed Monday to turn into a missed week... a missed month.

And not only to get back on track, but then stay on track.
One thing you CAN do to help yourself maintain focus and not get led into making bad food choices is this...

Create an environment where it's harder or nearly impossible to make bad choices.
You want to make it easy to eat right and train.

I fell onto this years ago when I'd do a nutrition coaching session.
My new client and I would go over the 100 BEST Foods You Can Eat list, and over their individualized grocery list.

I would tell them "The key to this is to go to the store and buy everything you need for the upcoming week, and nothing else."

"Because if you go to the store and make great choices and also buy things NOT on the list you're going to eat those too."
"So don't buy it!"

That's the beauty of the "Don't Buy it" Diet.
It's super-simple.

If you buy it you'll eat it, and if you don't it makes it harder to get to.
This helps you break the habit of going for those bad food choices, when you have more control over your environment.

So the bottom line is if you've got junk food in the house you're going to eat it.
So, if you don't want to eat it, you've got to get it out of your house.
Otherwise accept the fact you're going to eat it eventually.

That's how even the best diets go bad.

Bad choices, that were too easy to make.

So help yourself stay on track this week. Go home and clean out the pantry and refrigerator of any junk food you know isn't moving you to your goals.

(This will be harder when you live with other people but it is possible to section off an area just for you.)
This requires some will power initially but it makes your day a lot easier down the road.
And then only buy healthy foods that are going to help you toward your goals.
You can do the same thing with the people you're around.

The more like-minded people you surround yourself with, the better you'll do with staying on track.

And you'll also quickly realize no one is perfect and we all struggle with staying on track with our healthy habits one way or another.

When you work with a healthy fitness minded group of people, you'll also have people that can help you get when you want to move faster.

They've made the same mistakes you've made (and a lot more). And they can also help you recover from those mistakes more quickly.

When you realize were all the same, we struggle, we fail, we get back up and give it our best shot again and again and again.

Your environment really can make or break you.

Set it up right today and you can insure your success.

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