
5 Fun and Simple Ways to Eat Clean This Holiday Season!

This is the time of year where juicy turkeys, delicious desserts, and tempting starchy foods will be calling your name. Visiting family and friends doesn't help either. Each home you visit, there will be tables filled with cakes, pies, sweets, alcohol and enough food for a king. 

While it's great to enjoy tantalizing dishes with your loved ones, the aftermath can wreak havoc on your entire digestive system and overall health. So, how can you eat clean during the holidays and still enjoy a delicious feast without feeling guilty? Here are some tips that will help keep you belly full and your waist slim during this holiday season.

1. Eat a healthy meal before you visit - It may seem kind of counterintuitive to go out for a holiday meal, and eat before you leave. However, if you want to keep your waist slim and your health on track, it's better if you do. Prepare a meal full of fiber, organic vegetables and lean meat. This way when you visit your loved ones home, you can have a slice of pie or a light snack without feeling guilty.

2. Bring your own healthy snacks - Of course, there will be donuts, cookies, candy and sweet treat after sweet treat. While they are all tempting and tasteful, they can cause more harm than good. The best thing to do is pack a healthy snack full of nuts, edamame or fruit. This way when you get tempted to go to the sweets table, you will remember that you have healthy and nutritious food right in your pocket waiting for you.

3. Only choose healthy options - I know it can be rare to find the healthiest choice at a holiday feast, however, it is possible. There are tables filled with vegetables, salads and fruits. Stay close to the healthy choice menu and you will have no problem craving for the other delicious foods.

4. Control your portion sizes - Okay, who says you can't enjoy delicious food during the holidays? While others are gobbling down on peach cobbler, you can too! The key is to control your portions so you don't overeat. You can eat whatever you like as long as you control the portion size and make sure you are not eating too much.

5. Give your digestive system a break - If you know that you are going to be participating in holiday feasting, it's best to give your digestive system a break. You can do this by going on a juice and vegetable fast for breakfast and lunch. Then when you eat your holiday meal, you can choose nutritious salads, fruits, vegetables and lean meats.

While it may seem difficult to eat clean during the holidays, it is totally possible. Just follow these 5 simple tips to maintain a healthy and clean lifestyle. Whether it is the holidays or year round, these tips will help you stay slim, healthy and lean.

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