
The Top Reasons Why Some Diets Don't Work

Many of us have had the experience of dieting rigorously and conscientiously but nevertheless, seeing few or no results.
Why's that?

Here are some of the top reasons why certain diets simply don't work.

1. Lying to oneself

Studies have shown that, very sadly, many of us are prone to subconsciously delude ourselves into how rigorously we have followed the diet.
Calorie-counting is particularly prone to this. Those occasional snacks or treats that we might be inclined to forget about as 'incidental' can often ruin any weight reduction regime.

2. Exercise

It is something of a myth that you need to exercise in order to lose weight.
In fact, exercise without an appropriate dietary reprogram can often add weight by building muscle, which is typically heavier than fat. However muscle and fat are not the same thing, so while you can in theory gain weight as you develop those muscles you should also be burning off fat to fuel all that exercise.
So that's why many weight reduction programs stress the need for at least some exercise and many of us simply fail to comply with that requirement - even though we often maintain that we do.

3. Using the wrong type of diet

This really is the biggie and something that, surprisingly, has only relatively recently been grasped by experts in the area.
The simple fact of the matter is that different types of regime are likely to be more suitable for some people than others. For decades people have reported that one type of diet seemed to work far better for them than others but that fact was largely ignored by many people in the field as they continued to push their particular 'pet diet' as being suitable for everybody.

Today, weight reduction programmes are being defined based upon the individual's own biology rather than any view that one diet will fit all.

4. Failing to monitor and react to changing body status

A common complaint is that after an initial period of weight loss, suddenly everything stops and starts going into reverse, even though the regime is still being followed correctly.
In a sense, this is perfectly predictable. Your body will react to the changing nutrition it is receiving and will adjust its conversion of that into various substances including fat.
So, as your body changes over time in response to dietary success, you need to recognise that and make corresponding adjustments in your intake to continue the process.
Modern approaches cover this by taking periodic blood tests, checking your hormonal and other levels, then customising your meal plan for weight loss.

In other words, gone up are the days when you stuck to one approach rigidly for months and months on end, even if it wasn't working. Today a more reactive approach is defined by some weight loss specialists.

It is often said that no diet can really change your body weight - only you can do that. Although it may sound like something of a platitude, the reality of life is that it is very true.
By taking account of some of the above common inhibitors to dieting success, you may improve your chances of losing weight.

Ratna Rashid is an author and business manager in Adventures in Weightloss team. Adventures in Weightloss is a medically designed, personalised weight loss program resulting in rapid and permanent weight loss.

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