
4 Great Superfoods for Weight Loss

You must have heard of those so-called "superfoods" for weight loss by now. Nutritionally-packed ingredients (normally fresh fruit and vegetables) that can boost the nutrient intake for your body, and bring with them a whole host of health benefits, one of which just so happens to be weight loss.
Are you intrigued? We bet you are! Take a look at some of this information that we have unearthed...

1 - Black Beans

These understated beans contain an astonishing amount of protein; almost as much as 15 grams per cup. There's no bad stuff either - no saturated fat for example, making it a perfect substitute for meat in foods like chilli con carne, and other mince-meat based dishes. Plus, that one cup only contains about 200 calories - less than what the same amount of meat would probably have.

Just adding beans to your diet won't help you to lose weight. The trick is to substitute one of the "bad" foods for the black beans in a bid to help you ingest fewer calories as well as increasing the amount of iron and antioxidants which means not only will these beans help you to lose weight, but you'll also be fighting back against the risks of certain conditions like heart disease and certain type of cancer.

2 - Oats

Another of the great superfood for weight loss, oats are perfect for someone who is feeling a little sluggish and this could be because they are holding onto too much waste product in their bowels. Did you know that you could be carrying upwards of ten pounds worth of actual junk in your body, and by eating more fibre, you are giving your digestive system a little helping hand, giving you more opportunity to lose weight than just exercise and changes to your diet alone. What's the point in making all those change if you aren't going to get rid of the excess waste first? You don't need to resort to drastic measures like colonic irrigation; there are foods (especially those high in fibre) that will help things along quite nicely.
Oats are the perfect way to start your day because not only will they help your digestive system, they contain a healthy starch called Resistant Starch which helps to burn off the fat content but speeding up the metabolism. There's a reason people have been eating oats for years!

3 - Avocados

A lot of people shy away from things like avocado because of the high fat content but the thing you need to know about this humble superfood is that it contains lots of HEALTHY fats; not the unhealthy stuff. Monounsaturated fats, for example, have been shown in studies to actually suppress hunger pangs, and there's lots of protein and fibre in there too so you're killing a whole bunch of birds with just one stone.
Plus it's super easy to whack a bit of avocado in a smoothie and even if you're not that keen on the taste, you won't know it's there.

4 - Salmon

Aside from being completely delicious, salmon is one of the greatest superfoods for weight loss that you can get your hands on. The lean source of protein that salmon offers you is the kinda that makes you full after you eat it, and keep you feeling that full feeling for longer. This means that you are less likely to snack throughout the day because you're not experiencing those hunger pangs, plus a recent study showed that dieters that ate more salmon had faster and bigger weight loss.
There are quite a few superfoods for weight loss; more so than many people initially think. Blueberries are great for their anti-aging properties as well as being very low in calories, and broccoli (both cooked and raw) is perfect for the cancer-busting qualities plus being low in calories and high in fibre. There's also brown rice, pears and even wine... in moderation, of course!

Is it about time that you re-evaluated your diet? Think about it - all the exercise in the world won't make that much of a difference if you're still ingesting more calories than you burn off!

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