
The Best Day To Start A Diet

I was recently talking to a lady who I met in the gym she was telling me about how it was a new week and she was going to get herself back on track and lose the weight she wanted to.

Firstly it is great that the lady was in the gym on a Monday and a bit fired up to start her week on the front foot with some healthy eating and quality exercise.
She was making the NORMAL decision to start things off on a Monday (again). It's the beginning of the week. The best place to start don't you think?
Well maybe not.

Let me explain why Monday is probably not the best day to start a new diet.
My experience tells me that by Friday night the lady in question may be tired and starving and could go back to her old habits whatever that means for her.
Starting on a Monday is easy, especially if you have had your fill over the weekend you are ready to have a little break. Your body and mind needs it. The trouble is, everyone lives for the weekend.

We have our routines. They are hard wired.

How many times have you started a diet on a Monday only for it to gone wrong by the weekend?

We are all the same on that front, myself included.
But of course being human, we don't tend to try a different approach when the one we are using doesn't work, we just try it again and again. We are supposed to be intelligent but I often doubt it.

That's often called the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".

So with that said, a change of approach would be sensible.

My advice would be to:

1. Start the diet on a Friday.
2. Plan nice healthy recipes for the Friday and Saturday.
3. Plan your meals. Try new recipes on a weekend when you would normally eat badly.

This strategy just changes the way you come at the issue of having no willpower when it comes to weekends. This would help set you up for the following week and ensure you had some good results after sticking to a diet for 7 days in a row.

Then rinse and repeat.

When the results start to come, people often perk up a bit and find some motivation to get through the weekends a bit easier.


How To Lose Weight Naturally - Restore Body Balance

More than 50% Americans are overweight. Every year people in the USA alone spend billions of dollars on weight loss pills, diet programs and health supplements. Yet the obesity epidemic is on the rise like never before. Most people put themselves through so many difficulties when it is possible to lose weight naturally without needing to suffer unnecessarily. You can lose weight and get slim without skipping meals, taking weight loss pills or any expensive supplements.

When it comes to natural weight loss, one of the most important things you should focus on is healthy, balanced eating. Think of your body like your home. If you have a well-organized kitchen, ventilated rooms where fresh air and sunlight are able to enter easily, and if everything else is running smoothly in the house, you will feel a sense of peace and harmony. You will be able to enjoy your stay in the house, be able to invite guests and enjoy delicious meals with them. The same is the case with the body.

When all major organs and systems of the human body are working properly and are in balance, we will feel good and happy. Our digestive systems will work properly, our adrenal glands will be able to protect us and our bodies will detoxify themselves efficiently and automatically. Having systemic imbalance like adrenal dysfunction or hormonal imbalances in the body can lead to weight problems. If you are able to restore the body to its natural state of balance then you can easily lose the excess weight you had gained.

Most of us are totally focused on how many calories we take in and how many we burn. We try to reduce weight loss to a simple mathematical formula where you have to burn more calories than you take in. However the reality is not so simple. The above mindset assumes that 1,000 calories of junk food is equal to 1000 calories of healthy and nutritious food, which is not the case. We are sending drastically different messages to our bodies when we consume healthy food versus the same amount of junk food. The junk food will not only load your bodies with calories, it can also disturb its natural balance.

Suppose a person consumes 1,200 calories a day which is mostly comprised of junk, unhealthy food while another person consumes the same amount of calories per day but in the form of healthy, balanced, nutritious food. Also imagine that both people are doing almost an equal amount of exercises daily. Who do you think will have better health and lesser weight problems among the two? So you see, weight loss is not just about burning more calories than you put in. It is also about healthy, balanced eating so that you can avoid systemic imbalances in the body which can lead to gaining weight. Make it a lifelong habit to eat healthy, balanced diet if you want to enjoy slimmer waist and fitter body.


How to Get Your Weight Loss Back on Track Fast

Getting back on track quickly and efficiently is super important.
Important because you DO NOT want a missed Monday to turn into a missed week... a missed month.

And not only to get back on track, but then stay on track.
One thing you CAN do to help yourself maintain focus and not get led into making bad food choices is this...

Create an environment where it's harder or nearly impossible to make bad choices.
You want to make it easy to eat right and train.

I fell onto this years ago when I'd do a nutrition coaching session.
My new client and I would go over the 100 BEST Foods You Can Eat list, and over their individualized grocery list.

I would tell them "The key to this is to go to the store and buy everything you need for the upcoming week, and nothing else."

"Because if you go to the store and make great choices and also buy things NOT on the list you're going to eat those too."
"So don't buy it!"

That's the beauty of the "Don't Buy it" Diet.
It's super-simple.

If you buy it you'll eat it, and if you don't it makes it harder to get to.
This helps you break the habit of going for those bad food choices, when you have more control over your environment.

So the bottom line is if you've got junk food in the house you're going to eat it.
So, if you don't want to eat it, you've got to get it out of your house.
Otherwise accept the fact you're going to eat it eventually.

That's how even the best diets go bad.

Bad choices, that were too easy to make.

So help yourself stay on track this week. Go home and clean out the pantry and refrigerator of any junk food you know isn't moving you to your goals.

(This will be harder when you live with other people but it is possible to section off an area just for you.)
This requires some will power initially but it makes your day a lot easier down the road.
And then only buy healthy foods that are going to help you toward your goals.
You can do the same thing with the people you're around.

The more like-minded people you surround yourself with, the better you'll do with staying on track.

And you'll also quickly realize no one is perfect and we all struggle with staying on track with our healthy habits one way or another.

When you work with a healthy fitness minded group of people, you'll also have people that can help you get when you want to move faster.

They've made the same mistakes you've made (and a lot more). And they can also help you recover from those mistakes more quickly.

When you realize were all the same, we struggle, we fail, we get back up and give it our best shot again and again and again.

Your environment really can make or break you.

Set it up right today and you can insure your success.


10 Minute Exercises To Lose Weight

Did you know that by just doing 10 minutes of quick exercises to lose weight has many health benefits as well as easy weight loss? Doing a few 10 minute exercise sessions throughout the day can be as good as doing one long session.

When Should You Do Your Exercises?

Preferably, you'll do these 10 minute workout routines 3 to 5 times per day. If you are up against time you can do one before work, one on your lunch break and one after work. If you have a more laid back work environment, you could potentially take an extra 10 minutes in the course of your day to do your routine and you might be able to fit in as many as 5 training sessions each day

Which Quick Exercises To Lose Weight?

These quick exercises to lose weight consist of cardiovascular and resistance training which are the best workouts to lose weight.

Let's start with cardiovascular workouts, which do tend to be more popular. This is exercise where you move your body for 10 minutes at a time. It helps to increase your heart rate, condition your lungs, and burn fat. A 10 minute jogging session in the middle of the day can really boost your concentration for the rest of the day.

There are lots of resistance or strength training exercises to lose weight and work your muscles. Muscles burn more calories, even while they are resting. You can do a 10 minute muscle building session without any equipment with exercises like push-ups, squats or sit-ups. Push-ups are one of the best exercises to build your stomach, arm, upper chest and back muscles. You could also use an exercise band for your daily workout sessions. They are easy to carry and store and can exercise many different muscle groups in your body.

The 30-Day Test.

If you don't think that these quick exercise sessions will work, try them out for a month to see what results you get. Make sure you stick to doing at least 3 ten-minute workout sessions each day. At the very least you will notice how different you feel both energetically and emotionally after a few weeks of doing these exercise sessions.

Keep an eye on your weight at the end of the month to see how your weight has changed. If you combine these sessions with a healthy diet, you'll see that you have shifted a few pounds and these weight loss exercises can easily fit into your day.


How Many Different Diets Have You Read About?

In all probability, the answer to the above question is something along the lines of "too many to count".

Like many people, you may have read endless amounts of detail on:
• Calorie-counting diets
• Low-carbohydrate diets
• Low-fat diets
• Fish diets
• Fruit and veg diets
• Etc.

In fact, you could probably continue the list for several pages because over the last 70 or 80 years, a never-ending supply of new diet regimes has appeared. This was in response to what was, at times in the past, the relatively small number of overweight people. Today though huge numbers of people are struggling to control their weight and therefore the number of diet types has proliferated accordingly.

Progress Over Time

You might be forgiven for thinking that scientific progress over the decades would have revolutionised the approach to losing weight and then controlling it.
To some extent, that may be true because medical science now has a far better understanding of why some people struggle to control their weight than was ever the case say 50 years ago.

Even so, over that time there has been one constant that applies to all diets. That is the broad belief that if you find the right dietary mechanism, it will be able to help all of the people all of the time.

So, the search for the 'magic bullet' diet has usually involved the identification of a new approach and then an attempt to persuade everyone that the new method is somehow better than all those that had gone before it.
Now in the 21st century, the rationale behind the 'one diet concept for all' is being seriously questioned.

New Thinking

It is only in the comparatively recent past that scientists have started to radically revise their ideas about the type of diet that may be the most effective.
No longer are they trying to identify a single approach that will fix everybody's problems but they are now taking into account the genetic, medical, lifestyle and hormonal differences that exist between individuals.

In other words, somebody's genetic makeup and their individual metabolism may make one type of diet far more efficacious for them than another. To put it bluntly, a diet that may be sub-optimal in terms of results for one person, may work very well for another - even if both apply it equally rigorously.

So, there is an increasing number of weight loss programs that are being defined based upon using the most appropriate components from a number of different dieting approaches, specifically those which have been medically identified as being the most likely to be successful for a given individual.

The basic methodology involves analysing various hormonal levels and other markers in the blood then selecting a form of regime that will be the most appropriate based on that person's individual metabolism. That regime might emphasize low-carbohydrate, low-fat or a highly mixed regime but with emphasis on calorie control.

The person's blood levels can then be monitored over time in line with their reducing weight to make any changes that may be required in their diet.

This is a new and radically different approach that is driven by an assessment of the individual's biological function rather than a fervent belief in one type of diet or another. It's gaining in popularity and we can expect to see a lot more emphasis on this approach in future.


Facts to Know About Body Wraps

Body wraps, also known as, skinny wraps are becoming a popular trend for beautifying the skin and toning the body. Many individuals are visiting spa facilities in an effort to try the new trend in order to receive certain results. If you are considering the process, take a look at a few facts to get you familiar with this body contouring technique.

A Brief History

When first introduced many years ago, body wraps were called herbal wraps and the choice of material was linen. It was a therapeutic way to relieve joint and muscle aches. It was also believed to help in detoxification, getting rid of fat, toning, and bringing nourishment to the skin. Today, they are one of the many techniques used by spas and beauty facilities to help in beautification and relaxation.

What Happens During a Body Wrap

The process includes tightly surrounding the body with a special elastic or plastic material that is soaked in products that the spa facility incorporates in the technique. Some of the products may include a combination of clay, specific oils, and other herbs. Typically, a they starts from the neck and wraps down to the waist, including the arms and legs as well. They are applied tightly, but not in an effort to constrict breathing. The wrap is intended to induce sweating, drawing out chemicals already in the skin and add moisture from natural resources. One session usually lasts for a minimum of 20 minutes. When you are done, you can expect to leave the spa with naturally moist skin, and possibly some slimming and skin toning.

Cautionary Tips

This popular treatment can sometimes have negative impacts, just as much as it can have positive impacts. Individuals who have skin problems or certain skin conditions should take special caution because they can irritate the skin. They involve specific fragrances, oils, and other products that can cause more issues for people suffering with sensitive skin. Before starting these, it is very important for individuals with skin complications or with any concerns about the skin to contact the spa to inquire about the products that will be used with the wraps.

Also, if you are currently on any kind of prescribed medications, you should consult your physician to ask if any products could mix with the medication and cause any issues. Keep in mind that the products used in body wraps are absorbed by the skin and can interact with any kind of medications being taken.

Lastly, think about your own comfort. This treatment usually involves being wrapped up like a mummy and it could be an uncomfortable experience for first timers. The technique also causes increased sweating, so you want to make sure that you are hydrated before starting.
Body wraps can be a rejuvenating experience. Just beware of all warnings to consider before taking part in the technique, and enjoy!


How to Deal With Holiday Food Pushers and Food Cops

From Hanukkah gelt to peppermint bark to reindeer cookies; you can't toss a Santa hat three feet without it landing in a mountain of sweet, sugary treats this time of year.

The holidays also bring out two characters extremely challenging to dieters attempting to stay the course through the most difficult time of year. So, in the interest of peaceful family get-togethers and company parties, I provide advice on how to deal with the ever-present "Food Police" and "Food Pushers."

One can tell when the former is within earshot because you'll hear: "Is that on your diet?" or "Should you be eating that?" Unfortunately, no matter how carefully worded and lovingly delivered, it always comes across as (delivered in the tone of a schoolyard taunt), "Neener-neener-neener! I caught you cheating!" First tip: Override the initial reaction to share what you are eating rather forcefully by shoving it in his face. The sad truth is that will not make the situation better; worse yet, your next meal might be served through bars.

On the other extreme is the "Food Pusher," who sings a different carol, attempting to stuff you with all manner of delights. One recognizes her by the guilt-inducing expressions, "I made it just for you" or "One bite won't hurt."

Although these personality types appear opposites - one attempts to keep you from what you want and the other is forcing on you what you don't - they are actually related. Each person's is really trying to help you be happier. The "cop" does this by attempting to keep you on the straight and narrow, while the other provides "permission" to relax and cut loose.
Once we understand that motivation, we can handle them - without violence - by utilizing the "3 Rs."

Step 1: Recognize the intent of the person, not the action.

There is an old proverb, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Assuming the person offering the unwanted solicitation is someone with whom you can usually get along, job one is to slow down your reaction long enough to understand that he or she just wants to make sure you're successful on your diet (from the view of the "cop"), or that you're having a good time (from the view of the "pusher.")

If we focus on those intentions, rather than the words or actions, we're half way there. Therefore we could now respond with something such as, "Thank you for the suggestion" (to the "Cop"), or "That's very nice of you to make this for me" (to the "pusher"). This alerts them that you appreciate their helpfulness.

Step 2: Reflect how you feel.

Next, we must - gently - school them so they comprehend how you feel about what the action so they don't do it again. For example: (cop) "However, when you watch over me, I get defensive," or (pusher) "I'm proud of my weight loss. When you offer me those cookies, I'm afraid I'll go off track and I don't want that to happen." We don't blame; we just state our feelings.

Step 3: Redirect the behavior.

Finally, since they are trying to help, let's give them a constructive assignment. We do this by redirecting them; satisfying their good intentions. Again, an illustration might be, (cop) "What would really help me is if you'd go for a walk with me later." To the "pusher" we might explain, "If you could cut up some fruit for me next time, that would be a treat I'd like."
To stay successful this holiday season, without being a hermit, utilize the "Three Rs:" Recognize. Reflect. Redirect. It won't always work. But when it does, it's worth the minor effort it takes. Plus, it reduces family and workplace drama, and that's a great gift all to its own.

Scott "Q" Marcus is a motivational weight loss expert who specializes on helping baby boomers live happier, healthier lives. He is a professional speaker, Syndicated Columnist, and the CRP (Chief Recovering Perfectionist) of ThisTimeIMeanIt.com, a site for people who are tired of making promises to themselves but are willing to do what it takes to actually makes changes. In addition, he conducts speeches, workshops, and presentations throughout the country on how to achieve goals, improve attitude, and enjoy the process.


What Are The Best Carbohydrates To Eat For Weight Loss

Many people fail with their weight loss goals because they don't properly integrate the right changes into their lifestyle. If you want to shed excess fat and get fitter you're going to need a diet plan to lose weight. If you are up to speed on the latest diet plans you have probably heard all about carbohydrates. One moment we should be staying away from them and then the next moment we should be eating more. So what is the truth about carbohydrates and weight loss?

Understanding Carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates provide your body with its preferred source of energy. If you don't eat any carbs your body can get energy from dietary fats or protein. However, carbohydrates are much easier to break down into energy so if they are available your body uses them first. Your body needs energy to go about your daily activities and to exercise so you need to include natural carbohydrates in your diet plan to lose weight.

For example, a banana contains natural carbohydrates and is a healthier choice than a bar of chocolate which also contains carbohydrates. The key difference between the two is that chocolate bars are highly processed whilst bananas are all natural.

What Are The Best Carbohydrates To Eat?

Natural carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables are typically far lower in calories than processed carbs. Plus, they contain lots of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients which are often removed from processed carbs. Here are 3 tips on your daily intake of carbs that will help you with your diet plan to lose weight.

1) Have At Least One Piece Of Fruit Or Veg With Every Meal.

Include one piece of fruit or some vegetables with every meal. By way of example, have some fruit with your breakfast, a salad or some steamed vegetables with your lunch and vegetables with your dinner. Doing this will supply your body with a healthy supply of natural carbohydrates throughout the day.

2) Each Day Substitute An Unnatural Carbohydrate For A Natural Carbohydrate.

If you eat a bag of crisps and a bar chocolate each day, replace one with an apple or an orange. This will cut some calories out of your day increase your intake of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

3) Find Fruits And Vegetables That You Like.

A lot of people say that they do not like any fruits and vegetables. But they probably have just not tried enough different types. There are thousands of different fruits and vegetables out there so the chances are that you will find at least one which you like. Once you have found some fruits and vegetables that you like follow the two steps above so that you are giving your body a regular supply of natural carbohydrates.


4 Great Superfoods for Weight Loss

You must have heard of those so-called "superfoods" for weight loss by now. Nutritionally-packed ingredients (normally fresh fruit and vegetables) that can boost the nutrient intake for your body, and bring with them a whole host of health benefits, one of which just so happens to be weight loss.
Are you intrigued? We bet you are! Take a look at some of this information that we have unearthed...

1 - Black Beans

These understated beans contain an astonishing amount of protein; almost as much as 15 grams per cup. There's no bad stuff either - no saturated fat for example, making it a perfect substitute for meat in foods like chilli con carne, and other mince-meat based dishes. Plus, that one cup only contains about 200 calories - less than what the same amount of meat would probably have.

Just adding beans to your diet won't help you to lose weight. The trick is to substitute one of the "bad" foods for the black beans in a bid to help you ingest fewer calories as well as increasing the amount of iron and antioxidants which means not only will these beans help you to lose weight, but you'll also be fighting back against the risks of certain conditions like heart disease and certain type of cancer.

2 - Oats

Another of the great superfood for weight loss, oats are perfect for someone who is feeling a little sluggish and this could be because they are holding onto too much waste product in their bowels. Did you know that you could be carrying upwards of ten pounds worth of actual junk in your body, and by eating more fibre, you are giving your digestive system a little helping hand, giving you more opportunity to lose weight than just exercise and changes to your diet alone. What's the point in making all those change if you aren't going to get rid of the excess waste first? You don't need to resort to drastic measures like colonic irrigation; there are foods (especially those high in fibre) that will help things along quite nicely.
Oats are the perfect way to start your day because not only will they help your digestive system, they contain a healthy starch called Resistant Starch which helps to burn off the fat content but speeding up the metabolism. There's a reason people have been eating oats for years!

3 - Avocados

A lot of people shy away from things like avocado because of the high fat content but the thing you need to know about this humble superfood is that it contains lots of HEALTHY fats; not the unhealthy stuff. Monounsaturated fats, for example, have been shown in studies to actually suppress hunger pangs, and there's lots of protein and fibre in there too so you're killing a whole bunch of birds with just one stone.
Plus it's super easy to whack a bit of avocado in a smoothie and even if you're not that keen on the taste, you won't know it's there.

4 - Salmon

Aside from being completely delicious, salmon is one of the greatest superfoods for weight loss that you can get your hands on. The lean source of protein that salmon offers you is the kinda that makes you full after you eat it, and keep you feeling that full feeling for longer. This means that you are less likely to snack throughout the day because you're not experiencing those hunger pangs, plus a recent study showed that dieters that ate more salmon had faster and bigger weight loss.
There are quite a few superfoods for weight loss; more so than many people initially think. Blueberries are great for their anti-aging properties as well as being very low in calories, and broccoli (both cooked and raw) is perfect for the cancer-busting qualities plus being low in calories and high in fibre. There's also brown rice, pears and even wine... in moderation, of course!

Is it about time that you re-evaluated your diet? Think about it - all the exercise in the world won't make that much of a difference if you're still ingesting more calories than you burn off!


5 Easy Weight Loss Tips For Women

A woman's hormones are different to a man because they have a higher level of the hormone leptin. This hormone plays an important role in appetite control, metabolism and weight loss. That's why weight loss tips for women are not going to be exactly the same as they are for a man.

1. Be Aware Of Your Hormonal Changes.

Any weight loss tips for women should acknowledge your premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS can trigger cravings, water retention in your body and make you feel like your diet is too difficult to stick with. If you have cravings, try and plan for them. For example, if chocolate becomes irresistible, opt for dark chocolate. It can satisfy your craving and, because it's very rich, smaller amounts will give you the fix you need. Also, avoid the scales for a few days if you know that you're going to have extra water weight at a particular time of the month.

2. Drink More Water.

One simple piece of advice on losing weight is to drink more water. Water flushes your system of any potentially harmful toxins and helps to fill you up so you won't feel too much of an urge to eat tempting foods. It has no preservatives, no sodium, and no calories. If you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water first. The sensation of hunger and thirst are very similar. You may just need to hydrate your body.

3. Avoid Processed Foods.

Foods that come in a box, can, bag or carton are processed and altered from their natural states in order to extend their shelf life. They are often poor quality and have very little nutritional value. Go through your cupboards and get rid of food that will lead you astray and won't serve you well. Cut up and store vegetables and fruits as soon as you have bought them, so any time you feel hungry, you've got some healthy snacks to hand and ready to eat.

4. Only Do Exercises That You Enjoy.

All advice on losing weight will include some sort of exercise. The important thing is to find an exercise that you like and that you will want to keep doing on a regular basis. If the gym is not for you, there are plenty of exercises that you can do at home. You can take your exercise routine outside with walking, jogging or cycling or opt for inside pursuits like swimming, dancing or zumba classes.

5. Write A Journal.

Use a notepad to write down the foods you're eating, and the exercises you're doing. By recording all the food and drink you have during the day, and under what circumstances you choose them, it becomes a lot easier to manage your eating patterns. In addition, you can keep track of how you are progressing with your exercise routine.


When it Comes to Weight Loss, Changing Unhealthy Habits is a Core Principle

Easier said than done!
Most 'unhealthy' eating habits live in your unconscious mind and if you leave your unconscious mind in control of these habits, they will resurface over and over again.

This is never more important than when it comes to successfully reaching your preferred weight and being able to maintain that weight thereafter. The problem is the general mindset for weight loss is to go on a 'diet' which is generally a period of deprivation, confusion and feeling like all the pleasure has been sucked out of your daily food consumption. There are many reasons why the diet approach has been failing for a very long time, one of these reasons being it does not address any 'unhealthy' eating habits you may have lodged in your memory banks just biding their time until you decide either you've had enough of the diet battle and give up, or you successfully reach your target weight. It's at this point, your habituated learned behaviour's gradually resurface as your mindset returns to 'normal' eating.

Habits are an essential part of our day-to-day living, without them we would struggle to remember all the things we need to, this is why we form them, to reduce the amount of time we have to think about things we do on a very regular basis, freeing up our mind space for all the rest of life's important details and information.

The problem with our unhealthy eating habits is that quite often they can be a big part of the reason why we end up being a weight we are unhappy with, and so when the habits return, they bring the original weight gain along with them, making us feel like it is impossible to maintain this weight we so desire.

This is why it is now commonly recommended to make lifestyle changes rather than consider dieting as your option for weight loss. This is often easier said than done however, those pesky habits are usually well ingrained from years of repetition, so what's the answer?
Within my personalised plans I recommend a 6 step process to addressing unhealthy eating habits

The first step is to identify the habits that you would like to change, take some time with this and make a list of anything you think you do on a regular basis that could be contributing to weight gain. This could be things like snacking on unhealthy foods, eating too quickly, mindless eating, boredom eating, stress eating, eating portions that are too large etc. (even if you eat a reasonably healthy diet, if your portions are too large it could still cause you to gain weight)

Once you have completed your list, look through it carefully and select one habit that you feel will make a big difference if you were to be able to change it, the one you do most often perhaps or the one that seems the most 'unhealthy'.

Choose a way you could alter this behaviour to something more favourable. So for example if the habit you have chosen is snacking daily on unhealthy foods while at work, perhaps you could alter this behaviour by preparing your weeks supply of healthy snacks that you really enjoy, at a convenient time so you don't have to think about what to eat or whether you have it in the cupboards or not when you're rushing out the door in the morning, you are just ready to grab and go every day.

Set phone/clock alarms to help remind you that you need to do this extra preparation until it becomes your new natural habitual behaviour that you do almost without thinking.

Review your progress with this habit replacement, if it's not working then something about the change you have made needs adjusting to make it more convenient for you, or more enjoyable, maybe the healthier foods you are choosing are not enjoyable enough, making you miss your unhealthy snacks? Make your adjustment and reset any necessary alarms or planning/preparation.

Repeat step 5 until you realise you make this new choice almost without thinking, then it is time to choose habit number 2.
Don't try to change more than one habit at a time, research shows that we have an 80% success rate when we try to change one habit, but this drops to 0% when we try to change two or more at a time.

Once your new habit is pretty well ingrained and you rarely even think about what you used to do, then is the time to revisit your habit list and select another one.

Change your Mind, Change your Body
Personalised weight loss plans can help to ensure long-term successful weight loss that you find comfortable, easy to adhere to and dare I say it, enjoyable even. Along with all the latest food and nutrition, diet and fitness information the plans cover changing habits, behaviour patterns and the way you think about food in relation to eating healthy, feeling great and being able to lose weight in a way that suits you and your lifestyle.


How To Lose Weight Naturally With High Intensity Running

Today I would like to talk about one of the most intense, high impact exercises that we all know about, that is running. Running is a very high impact exercise which can burn many calories in a short space of time. This will help to reduce body weight over time.

A typical example of the amount of calorie expenditure produced from running, a 150 pound man, could burn up to 100 calories per mile when running, so the more miles a runner will cover the more calories they burn. Running will work virtually every muscle in the body, but the primary muscles worked are those in the lower body.

Now how exactly does running help me lose weight or drop a few pounds in a few short weeks or months? Well to start with as we have already mentioned running is a very high impact exercise which works many of the muscles of the body very hard, this in turn makes the heart work harder to adapt to the level of the effort of the runner, thus in turn produce calorie expenditure.

To lose weight, the process is very simple, a calorie reduction has to take place somewhere, and this can be done with the practice of healthy eating and also regular cardio vascular exercise. Running provides a great solution to burn lots of calories in a short space of time doe to the potential intensity that the runner can use when they are out running.

Now we have several options here, we can use a treadmill in a gym to get a run on, this can be very useful if the weather is poor. Or we can put on our running pants and do a few rounds round the local park or street, or wherever you fancy. Now when it comes to running, the treadmill has a few advantages over the running outdoors but only a few. With the runner using a treadmill, you have the functionality of monitoring your heart rate and the exact amount of calories that you burn during your workout, this also can be done on the streets, but it requires special fitness gadgets to do this.

Most treadmills do provide an incline option, so that the runner can really challenge themselves at running uphill during their workout. This has a few benefits to it, when you run up-hill the heart and legs are forced to work much harder than running on flat ground, so more calories are burned in the process due to the heart rate beating harder.

This is much more challenging and provides the best way to increase the intensity for the runner's workout on the treadmill. The second way a runner can change the intensity on the treadmill is to simply go faster. This can be done by selecting the desired speed level that most treadmills have.

The most effective way to change the intensity for the runners' workout is to simply select a HIIT interval training program. HIIT is short for High Intensity Interval Training, this is the most powerful type of training to do to burn more calories and get in to the fat burning zone. This type of running is the most effective for weight loss programs and improving overall fitness levels. Many personal trainers encourage this way of training to clients that want to lose weight, toned up or improve their fitness levels.

OK now onto running outdoors in all weathers. This is the most likely choice to most people, as the gym or home fitness facilities are somewhat of an obstacle for people that are trying to lose weight. Running outdoors offers the most challenging environment and is the most preferred option for people who want to start running to lose weight.

When you start to run outdoors the environment offers the challenge.

You have to be prepared to run on all types of grounds and surfaces, should they be hard or soft ground. This can be counterproductive as it can be slightly hard on the joints, but this issue can be fixed with the correct use of running trainers. A good way to get started with outdoor running is to design a schedule that you follow every week for a month and monitor your progress. This will help you stay motivated and you will look forward to the next time you go for a run.

A fun and exciting challenge could be to try a run a mile with in a 4 week period, this is a good mini goal to set if you are trying to lose weight. They key to running is to start with jogging and gradually build things up slowly until the weight starts to come off and you get fitter. When you start running regular, the potential to burn lots of calories increases and this helps to promote weight loss.

This will need to be combined with a healthy balanced diet which has the right calorie intake and nutritional demands to running training program for the individual. The best time of day to go running to improve the chance of losing weight quicker would be to go early morning before the first meal is eaten.

The reason is because when you exercise early morning, there is no food in the body to use as energy, the body likes to use carbs for fuel, and so if there in carbs, and the body will use fat for the energy for the run. When you go for a run later in the day, you are burning the calories from the food that you ate earlier in the day.

Overall running is one of the most effective exercises to lose weight. It is a full body high impact exercise which can burn lots of calories in a short amount of time, and it provides a great way to burn those unwanted calories as part of a healthy weight loss program.